WICS envisions a society where all Orphaned and Vulnerable Infants especially double orphans and infants living with disabilities, have access to acceptable quality and equitable care and support that enables them to attain their full potential.
Our approach is the community driven system change model, which allows the community to identify issues affecting children, root causes and finding lasting solutions.
We enhance adequate nutrition and good health among OVC 0-31/2 years and children 0- 6years by raising awareness on local food value, preservation and cooking demonstrations. We promote exclusive breast feeding in communities.
We support extreme vulnerable and orphaned children 0- 3 ½ years in poor households to improve child outcomes. We support them in their households with basic items, infant milk, supplementary feeding, and clothing and hygiene materials.
We sensitize parents and guardians on early childhood development, child protection and safeguarding focus on WHO nurturing care framework to ensure children reach their full potential by developing their physical, social, cognitive and emotional skills through play and communication from birth including pregnancy to 6 years.
We sensitize communities on male involvement in child care and its positive impact on the child’s growth and future.
We support Communities to enhance early childhood education for children aged 3-6 years through partnerships in material contributions. We further work together with early childhood education teachers and managers to improve early learning among children. A 1x1 standard classroom for 3-4 years children is undergoing construction at Mabumbu Primary School.
We build strong relationship with community, government and non-governmental organizations stakeholders in working together to ensure project sustainability and achieve our goals on children.
Support Income generating to vulnerable households with children 0-6 year’s children to reduce poverty levels in households and improve child outcomes.
Our service delivery approach is through community driven system change approach.
We do our own income generating activities to support orphaned babies with basic items to enhance their welfare in homes when the donor support is hard to come by.
To brighten chances for better lives of Orphans and Vulnerable Infants through the empowerment of Care Givers, local communities, building partnerships and influencing policy and extending services to cover all children from birth to six years in enhancing their cognitive and physical development through nurturing care framework and community driven system change.
It has a well-established non- profit making board members comprising the Chair person, the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary, the Trustees, and members.
WICS staff are volunteers who are dedicated to provide the services to children on voluntary basis under the supervision of the Executive Director who is also a volunteer. The organization has an Assistant Director, Field Supervisor, a book keeper/Field Assistant and Field Assistants providing services to children and households and community.